+49 171 5230128

iTermin Platform Overview

Our Platform

iTermin Platform is designed to be a versatile tool, not just for telemedicine but for any context requiring efficient, secure video conferencing. Whether it’s for healthcare, business meetings, education, or personal communication, iTermin offers a comprehensive digital solution

Digital Communication Portal

iTermin serves as a dynamic portal for various forms of digital communication. It offers a range of features including self-service scheduling, chat and video meetings, participant monitoring, integrated payment systems, customizable calendars, and notifications. The interface is user-friendly, catering to diverse needs from booking appointments to facilitating fully digital interactions.

Flexible Access for Users

Through iTermin, users can easily connect digitally. Options include asynchronous chat, scheduling digital or in-person meetings, and initiating various requests. iTermin allows for the creation of new appointments and follow-ups, both digitally and in-person.

Management of Cases and Meetings

iTermin automatically sorts and prioritizes incoming requests, allowing for efficient case management. Users can handle cases, delegate to others, and initiate both asynchronous and real-time interactions.

Accounts & Login

iTermin ensures secure account management for all users, with options for electronic identification and two-factor authentication.

Quality Monitoring

The platform allows for continuous feedback and quality monitoring, ensuring a high standard of user experience.

Bookable Calendar

Users can publish their schedules, creating an accessible calendar for appointments. iTermin’s calendar integrates with various systems for seamless management.

Self-Service & Automation

iTermin streamlines processes by automating tasks such as booking and form filling, reducing the workload on staff and enhancing user independence.

History Taking & Export to Systems

iTermin facilitates asynchronous status reporting and history taking. Users can submit information via dynamic questionnaires, with options for customized text generation and integration with various record systems.

Registration of Cases

Users can independently register their cases, with the system capable of providing automated responses. This reduces rescheduling and missed appointments.

Educational and Self-Treatment Programs

The platform supports sending educational materials, questionnaires, and conducting follow-up meetings, allowing users to progress at their own pace with professional support.

User Journal

iTermin includes a feature for logging activities and conditions, useful for chronic conditions and longer treatments. This can be monitored through statistics and graphs.


The platform supports independent payments for services, offering various payment options and managing receipts efficiently.


Customizable notifications and reminders keep users informed and engaged.

Structured Information Input

Users contribute structured information, streamlining record-keeping and enhancing communication.

Discover iTermin

Interested in seeing how iTermin can integrate into your daily operations? Contact us to explore its functionalities and discuss how it can be tailored to your specific needs.

Legal Compliance

iTermin adheres to strict data protection regulations, ensuring user data is encrypted, stored, and processed in compliance with relevant laws.